Substance abuse screening, testing, and treatment for certain DCF work experience programs [Admin.Code DCF 105] -
CR 15–091Changes to be consistent with EPA air pollution control regulations, repeal of obsolete rules, and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 172, 400.02, 404.05, 405.02, 405.07, 420.02, 420.045, 425.035, 439.06, 484.05, 494.04] -
CR 15–077Wisconsin Retirement System: compliance with the Internal Revenue Code [Admin.Code ETF 10.01, 10.85, 10.87, 20.0257, 20.38, 20.39] -
CR 11–045Nonacademic student conduct [Admin.Code UWS 17] -
CR 15–060UW faculty dismissal and dismissal in special cases [Admin.Code UWS 4, 7] -
CR 15–061UW System academic staff: dismissal for cause [Admin.Code UWS 11] -
CR 15–059UW System academic staff: dismissal for cause [Admin.Code UWS 11] -
CR 15–059UW faculty dismissal and dismissal in special cases [Admin.Code UWS 4, 7] -
CR 15–061Nonacademic student conduct [Admin.Code UWS 17] -
CR 15–060Changes to Veterans Assistance Program (VAP), Aid to Indigent Veterans (AIV), and Veterans Housing and Recovery Program (VHRP) [Admin.Code VA 13 (title), 13.001, 13.01, 13.02, 13.04 (title), 13.04, 13.05, 13.055, 13.06] -
CR 15–048Changes to Veterans Assistance Program (VAP), Aid to Indigent Veterans (AIV), and Veterans Housing and Recovery Program (VHRP) [Admin.Code VA 13 (title), 13.001, 13.01, 13.02, 13.04 (title), 13.04, 13.05, 13.055, 13.06] -
CR 15–048Grants to nonprofit organizations [Admin.Code VA 2, 2.07] -
CR 14–058Changes to Veterans Assistance Program (VAP), Aid to Indigent Veterans (AIV), and Veterans Housing and Recovery Program (VHRP) [Admin.Code VA 13 (title), 13.001, 13.01, 13.02, 13.04 (title), 13.04, 13.05, 13.055, 13.06] -
CR 15–048Grants to nonprofit organizations [Admin.Code VA 2, 2.07] -
CR 14–058Veterinarian and veterinary technician continuing education requirements [Admin.Code VE 10.03] -
CR 15–062Veterinarians: entrance examinations [Admin.Code VE 2.01, 3.03, 8.03] -
CR 14–064Veterinary medical surgery definition, and affecting small business [Admin.Code VE 1.02] -
CR 16–068Voting with a Wisconsin Technical College System ID card [Admin.Code GAB 10] -
CR 15–047Food warehouses and food processing plant licensing, and affecting small business [Admin.Code ATCP 70.03, 71.01, 71.02, 71.025, 71.03, 71.05] -
CR 15–093Calculating water quality based effluent limitations for point source discharges to surface waters [Admin.Code NR 106.03, 106.06, 106.10, 106.145] -
CR 15–084Clean Water Fund program [Admin.Code NR 162] -
CR 14–043Erosion control, sediment control, and storm water at construction sites [Admin.Code SPS 360.01, 306.02, 306.04, 306.12, 306.13, 306.21, 306.30] -
CR 16–052Producer led watershed protection grants program [Admin.Code ATCP 52] -
CR 16–049Wisconsin Pollution Discharge Elimination (WPDES) compliance: analytical methods [Admin.Code NR 157.21, 219.04, 219.04 Tables A, B, BM, C, D, E, EM, ES, F, G, H, 219.05, 219.06, 233.40] -
CR 13–112WPDES permit implementation, TMDL (total maximum daily load) implementation, and TMDL development and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 106.03, 106.04, 106.05, 106.06, 106.07, 106.08, 106.09, 106.11, 106.115, 106.145, 106.32, 106.33, 106.34, 106.36, 106.37, 106.38, 106.55, 106.62, 106.75, 106.83, 106.87, 106.88, 106.89, 106.91, 205.03, 205.065, 205.066, 212 subch. I (title), II (title), III (title), 212.01, 212.02, 212.03, 212.12, 212.40, 212.60, 212.70, 217.14] -
CR 15–085WPDES permits processing and other permit issuance procedural matters [Admin.Code NR 200.11, 201, 203 subch. I, 203.02, 203.03, 203.05, 203 subch. III, 203.12, 203.13, 203.135, 203.136, 205.07] -
CR 14–027Clean Water Fund program [Admin.Code NR 162] -
CR 14–043Producer led watershed protection grants program [Admin.Code ATCP 52] -
CR 16–049Safe Drinking Water Loan program [Admin.Code NR 166] -
CR 14–044Safe drinking water revisions to Total Coliform Rule [Admin.Code NR 809.03, 809.04, 809.05, 809.06, 809.07, 809.10, 809.11, 809.113, 809.115, 809.117, 809.203, 809.205, 809.207, 809.243, 809.245, 809.247, 809.25, 809.30, 809.31, 809.311, 809.312, 809.313, 809.314, 809.323, 809.325, 809.327, 809.328, 809.329, 809.33, 809.334, 809.335, 809.336, 809.35, 809.50, 809.52, 809.53, 809.541, 809.542, 809.544, 809.546 (intro), 809.546, 809.547, 809.548, 809.55, 809.561, 809.562, 809.563, 809.565, 809.569, 809.6, 809.61, 809.62, 809.63, 809.65, 809.66, 809.67, 809.68, 809.70, 809.71, 809.74, 809.8, 809.82, 809.83, 809.833, 809.835, 809.837, 809.951, 809.952, 809.953, 809.96] -
CR 15–049Water treatment devices [Admin.Code SPS 384 Table 384.10] -
CR 14–056Fisheries: minor changes [Admin.Code NR 20.10, 20.20] -
CR 15–014Fishing regulations on inland, outyling, and boundary waters of Wisconsin [Admin.Code NR 19.001, 19.05, 20.03, 20.16, 20.18, 20.20, 21.04, 25.10, 26] -
CR 15–023Lake sturgeon regulations on the Menominee River [Admin.Code NR 23.05] -
CR 15–066Modifications in walleye harvest management in Ceded Territory waters [Admin.Code NR 20.20, 20.36, 23.05, 23.055] -
CR 15–042Public use of DNR properties and implementation and administration of the Stewardship grant program [Admin.Code NR 45.03, 45.04, 45.045, 45.046, 45.05, 45.09, 45.095, 45.10, 45.11, 45.12, 45.13, 51.70, 51.73] -
CR 16–001Soil and Water Resouce Management Program revisions and affecting small business [Admin.Code ATCP 50.04, 50.10, 50.16, 50.32, 50.40, 50.42, 50.46, 50.48, 50.50, 50.54, 50.56, 50.62, 50.705, 50.77, 50.78, 50.885] -
CR 16–083Trolling fishing regulations on inland and boundary waters of Wisconsin [Admin.Code NR 20.03, 20.06, 20.15, 20.20, 23.08] -
CR 14–029Customer meters retention so that they are available for testing [Admin.Code PSC 113.0614, 113.0919, 113.0921, 113.0922, 113.0923, 134.19, 134.20, 134.31, 185.19, 185.46, 185.73, 185.76, 185.761, 185.77, 185.78] -
CR 13–033Measurement of controlled substances re special use authorizations [Admin.Code CSB 3.04, 3.07] -
CR 15–083